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Napoleon's Colonel - 1st Edition

Team, from time to time, it's important to broadcast some inspirational leadership tidbits with the intent to provoke thought, discussion, action, and - perhaps, most importantly - make us more professional.  I will endeavor to provide some missives from time to time, either borrowed or original as, use them or toss them at will and, also, please feel free to share at will.    If anyone isn't tracking, "Napoleon's Colonel" is a lame riff off of "Napoleon's Corporal" (the basic gist of which is laid out below).  In any event, we all have a responsibility to let the boss know if his plans are too complicated, simply don't make sense, or just plain suck...since, after all, our subordinates are the ones that have to execute.  The play on this theme applies to every rank...and certainly should if we seek to rise to the aspirational vision of our ethos (an Leading Marines).  In any event, if you don't train your people

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